Upcoming Events
You are Invited to Our 9th Annual Shredding Party
We are offering
Saturday, April 18th from 10 AM - 1 PM
Location: 180 El Camino Real, San Bruno
Cross Street: San Luis Ave.
How Long Should I keep My Documents?

HEART First Time Homebuyer Workshop
Find out how you can qualify to buy a home in San Mateo County with only 5% down and no PMI. This is the HEART downpayment loan and Meriwest Mortgage Program.
WHEN: Tuesday, April 27, 2015 6:00-7:00 pm
WHERE: Skyline College, Bldg 6, Rm 6202
300 College Drive, San Bruno
RSVP to the Workshop!
For more information about the HEART first time homebuyer downpayment assistance program, visit www.heartofsmc.org
Our Annual Speaker Series Continues
Estate Planning
Location: Millbrae Library, Civic Center Plaza, Meeting Room A, Millbrae
6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 30th
- Do you need a trust or Will?
- Learn how to protect your real estate investment.
- Best process for transferring property to children.
- Buy and keep your Property Tax Basis - Prop 58, 60 and 90.
- Learn the tax consequences and benefits.
Investing in Real Estate
Location: Millbrae Library, Civic Center Plaza, Meeting Room A, Millbrae
6:30 p.m. Thursday, May 21st